What is Heaven Like?

Most of our learning about life after death comes from a couple of sources. The most obvious is the Bible, and what we are taught at church. Then there is the great revelations last three generations on Earth have received most of our knowledge from… media. Yes, there are TV shows, movies, and TV ads that give us a boring look into heavens gates. Keep in mind the majority of media explanation is made for comedic interpretation. But since we have watched these funny views of God and heaven, our minds tend to drawl a vision of Him that cannot be erased.

God is not George Burns, Morgan Freeman, or whoever gets the role to play the Almighty. But to truly catch a vision of heaven, one must discover more about God’s character, why He created us, and why He has prepared a place for us to enjoy forever with Him. His foreknowledge graciously gave us little explanation in scripture. There is a reason for that, but I want to keep this short and if I gave my thoughts on the topic, this would be too long for people to read.

The bigger we imagine God, the greater heaven is viewed. It is like knowing all we can about creation, our minds, and physical bodies, our planet, and the universe with all of it’s mystery, these expand our understanding of His greatness. For me, I try never to limit His mindfulness of mankind, and what incredible plans He has for us in heaven.

“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man the things He has prepared for those who love Him. BUT, God has revealed them to us through His Spirit.” 1Cor.2: 9-10.

Imagine arriving in heaven the way we think of heaven now. St. Peter at the gate, hands you a harp, assigns you a cloud, and lets you know where you float to throughout eternity. Wrong! That is the Charmin TP idea from a TV ad. Peter will be there, but I believe there will be a reception for you and I that our minds can conceive of.

The colors you see with your new eyes will be a thousand times more brilliant. The smells will be so aromatic you want to find out where they are coming from, but you are too busy seeing loved ones and angels, seraphim, and cherubim, all are making over you in welcome, you can wait to taste what you’re smelling later. You are alive like you have never felt before. Everyone you meet you already know by name, even your ancestors throughout history. You know you are home where you belong.

The music of heaven is nothing like earth. You see beautiful fields of grass and as you look down at it, you notice the grass is singing along with the trees and flowers. Everywhere around you there is activity. There is so much excitement and expectation of a major event about to happen, even if there is not an event, you are so alive you just sense something is happening. You know everyone by name, no one there is a stranger, and you are greeted by people of the past, the apostles, kings, inventors, and people you never dreamed you would see in heaven. (History isn’t always honest about the good and the bad).

Every part of you is alive to the point you feel like you could explode in laughter, in tears of joy, in adoration and praise to God simultaneously. And then, you see Jesus. His beautiful smile and his eyes looking deep into you in love like you have not dreamed. Without opening his mouth you hear Him saying, I love you so much I couldn’t hardly wait for you to arrive, come on, let’s go see Father!

There is so much more I want to say about heaven. Mainly I want to encourage those who are believers, and to cause the unbeliever to choose Jesus as Savior and Lord of their life. Jesus said, “Let no your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house there are many mansions; if it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.”

I know many of my readers don’t believe in God. Just try this prayer; “God if you are real, show me, I really want to know. ”

To those who believe in Jesus’ sacrifice for sin of everyone, dying in their place on the cross, ask God to forgive your sins and believe God raised Jesus from the dead, then tell someone, I believe Jesus Christ is my Lord.” That is simple. You believe in Him, He will make the changes in you. And we’ll have a blast together in heaven.

I know this was a bit long but felt some people need encouragement due to the loss of so many of late from C19 and OD’s.

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