Published Work

One day at a time! The battle of the spiritually “fit.”

Help to survive in recovery from addictions. This book has been the greatest challenge to my life…my spiritual life. When my wife and I read this in our morning devotion, it doesn’t seem real, I really didn’t write this, did I? What I’m saying is that I do not want to take any credit for this writing, not from trying to have a false humility, it is the guidance of the Holy Spirit. God brought so much inspiration to my thoughts as I wrote these 380+ pages. I may have been the vessel, but He was the Potter in this book.

THE FIGHT IS ON!Throughout the process of writing, editing, and now marketing, I have been literally challenged by the dark lord of this world. The spiritual fight has been nothing short of raging. But God has kept us and brought us through much adversity. I love to write and I always kept my thoughts and writing to myself. As I was corresponding with an inmate in the state pen, the topic of release and staying clean and sober was a major concern. I knew that God had kept me sober, and needed to relate how He had done so, in a way that was simple, yet serious, and could work for them or anyone else.  Recovery meetings, reading AA’s Big Book, talking to my sponsor, and working the steps to sobriety were all important, but the one thing that made the real difference for me had been when I woke up, I knelt down and ask God to keep me sober, just for today. After a short but sincere prayer, I then read from the Word, normally Psalms and Proverbs, and journal my day. It had worked for me, and many others in recovery, so I knew it would work for them too, even in the institution.

THE PAGE.  I sent the inmate an example of how to do this “morning program.” They showed the page to others inmates and they all wanted a copy. So I wrote 5 pages, one page for each day, and did this for 3 weeks. They wanted more. Before I knew it, I had over a hundred pages…so I kept going until I had enough for a whole year. The result was enough for a manuscript, and I thought I would self-publish the work, then somehow get to prisoners. God had other plans. I sent it to a publishing company, and shock and awe, they published the book. That is how it came together, God doing for me and others, what we cannot do for ourselves.



15 thoughts on “Published Work

    • You can get a copy through Amazon and nearly any book store. Ebooks are available at Kindle and Nook. The title, “Under The Influence,” by S. Keith Barnes. Thanks! Let me know if you like it!

  1. Hi Keith…. there is only the Kindle edition available in Canada via Amazon. I could potentially order a US copy to my US post box (I live near the border), but wanted to see if any other distribution method available?

    • Thanks Chaz, I was tied up working today and checked mail late. The conversation has caused my memory to come alive too. I used to think many in AA wanted just enough of God to stay sober. Looking back I’m convinced God used what I saw in those dear people to teach me to guard my tongue, thoughts, and reactions.
      I can see for the most part that those seeking celebrity status attain it in AA/NA. I also know just love them, do what I do, and let God do what He does in each individual. The smugness comes to light in time. But it bothered me for a long time how the “old timers” wouldn’t tolerate what goes on today in AA, the purists say. I believe that. The first change they would make is boot out the one saying that, and help anyone wanting help.
      Before my wife and I go into a meeting, I say to her…honey, let’s go be Jesus in here tonight.
      By the time we’re walking in the door, I sense the room lighting up because of His presence in us.
      We both do not allow conversations with individuals until we greet everyone, especially newbies. Jesus would do know less, He gives me such confidence entering meetings because of the celebrity inside of me!
      I say this in sincerity, and with humility, not because of anything I have done. I don’t talk about the book at all any longer. Two guys I sponsor and have known awhile didn’t know I wrote the book…lol.
      Thanks Chaz for ordering, I pray it blesses and helps your adventure in Christ and recovery. Thanks for letting me bend your ear. Keith

      • No worries Keith. There is much in what you have said. I sense more grace in your position than I have been feeling in my attitude lately. Thanks for reflecting that to me.

        Looking forward to your book. Will have a couple weeks away which should be a good opportunity to absorb some daily readings.

        Am actually probably crossing paths with another aa writer, Dick B. I’ve got together with him a couple times when in his neck of the woods. Don’t know if you know of him. He’s an AA historian and fellow believer.

        Well… See you on the blogs. Ciao. Chaz.

  2. Hey Keith…. have the book in my night stand now. Reading it as daily inspiration. Getting lots from it. Well done!

    • Thanks Chaz! The book has not sold in massive numbers but has been a help to those who use it. I really wanted to keep it simple for the reader. I am amazed how so many people have a disdain for reading, even one sentence! I hope you get something from every day’s reading.

  3. Keith, I’m glad I stopped and read this page. I’ve been reading your devotional and have been blessed by it. It’s wonderful to hear the story behind it, too. I’ll post a review when I’m done. Keep writing.
    Blessings ~ Wendy

    • Thanks so much Wendy. I’m in trying times right now. My mom is in hospice, and several other attacks from the dark side. I write every day but haven’t posted. God is faithful. When these trials pass, I know I will see His hand protecting, guiding, working all things together for me. Thanks so much for the encouragement, blessings to you and your family.

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