Get In, Get Out, or Take a Seat

So I sidelined myself for a bit. I had good reasons. After all I am a busy man and I don’t believe what I write has had much, if any effect on others. Am I whining? Yep, a regular cry baby. Seriously, I have felt this inward tug to get back at it on a regular basis in hope of winning some to the Kingdom of Christ, or helping some find sobriety, both through these simple writings.

It really comes down to this. I watched the movie Tombstone several times. I am a dialog guy and a guy that likes to see good win out over evil. Are you like that? The OK Corral scene, Wyatt Earp dodging bullets yells at the cowardly Ike Stanton and blares, “GET IN THE FIGHT OR GET OUT OF THE WAY! I remembered this scene and now see my own cowardice in not getting in this war we are fighting much sooner.  I hate to offend after all.  You may be unaware we are fighting, or there is even a war in the first place. Here’s the field of battle:

“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against the spiritual host of wickedness in the heavenly places….Eph. 6:12

It’s brutal out there as some of you know from what is going on with the mud pie fights the dems and reps are having, while issues go ignored, i.e. healthcare, the infrastructure, addicts found dead daily. Don’t choose to hate either side, but pray for them with sincerity. Or refuse to pray for them from your intense hatred of them. I’d bet you probably didn’t vote anyway, now you can hate me too…have a seat please.

Others say, you’re nuts! You honestly believe there are forces controlling events? It’s that lying President, or it’s those liberal lefties. Whatever, take a seat next to the intense haters, I ‘ll get with you later. And keep your hands to yourself.

Now those ready to do battle, gird your loins. Don’t hold on to any grudges of any kind. Pray for opposition you face in life. 1 Tim 2:1-2 gives you an idea of who we should pray for, and we already know to pray for our personal needs and the innumerable requests on social media. Speaking of media, man, do they need prayer. They have more to do with our national division that any political branch. Anyhow lets fight this spiritual warfare boldly, in confidence and knowing the time is short. Thanks!

Slavery You Own

The word slavery causes people to shutter as they think of people bound in chains, beaten, forced into labor. Anti-slavery activists have their hands full in these modern times with a reported 27 million people enslaved. As I read some of the details of this modern day evil; I realized slavery wasn’t a dark part of history, it is alive and well on planet Earth. Sadly, much of this slavery is within our own borders; in the inner-cities, young men and women kept against their will, held as prostitutes. How we need to pray for their liberation.

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” Martin Luther King, Jr

Friday night, the Celebrate Recovery meeting was a reminder to me how that slavery goes far beyond individuals being kept against their will. The 27 million is dwarfed in number when we consider the masses enslaved by their past hurts; abused from childhood, hung-up from being bullied and belittled, and those given to self-will, owning habits that are chains not easily broken. Many are the slave owners, self is enslaved to addictions that are destructive. In the final analysis, our ownership must be admitted, we cannot blame and point our finger at anyone for our remaining chained to any hurt, habit, or hang-up. Freedom is in sight the moment we find our way to recovery, by God’s grace. So why do so many stay in their personal slavery?

That question has many answers. Some aren’t ready to surrender because they have not experienced enough pain. Some have a fear that freedom is enslavement. Really? Yes, they feel they will never enjoy parties, lose old friends, have to live a morbid existence and follow rules…they find this boring. Others that struggle with depression, past abuse, work-a-holism, etc., are still in denial, “I drink everyday, but never get out of control,” they think. Some think because they have tried and failed over and over, it won’t ever work. these enjoy times of freedom, but like the dog returning to eat his own vomit, they return to their enslavement. Everyone, yes, everyone has something that binds them. We all need to be liberated. Do not think that worry, pride, gossip, and lying are not enslaving, or that you do not need help to be free of…they are just as deadly. These will kill you spiritually.

Of everything I mentioned above, there is another evil that transcends all of the others, and goes relatively unnoticed. It is the one thing we must be very wary of, once we have accepted truth, and now live in freedom; Selfishness. It is so easy to enjoy release from our bondage that we forget it is a gift that you and I must give. Complacency is the beginning of a whole new way of dying. Not sharing your freedom by giving that freedom away is terribly self-serving. Not wanting to, not feeling like it, too tired, are all mostly love of self deception, keeping you from the real joi de vivre, joy of life. We who have this wonderful gift from God, given from others, can stifle spiritual growth, and replace the chains of past addictions, hurts, habits, and hang-ups, to serve self, the worst of slave owners.

“The time is always right to do the right thing.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

We are liberators, emancipators, we have a gift to give. We may not be able to walk into the inner-city house of prostitution and demand the freedom of the enslaved. We may not be able to go into the third-world countries and tell them to let the slaves go free. We can pray. We can pray en-masse, and in agreement in Jesus name. We must, once free from our chains, free others, serve in some capacity even if it is praying continually. But do not put yourself back into slavery. Joy, peace, love, and freedom awaits you.

Thanks for reading, God bless and keep you all.

Political Delusion…an old addiction

I cannot ever forget how in my teen years, drugs became an issue that brought terror to the hearts of parents and curiosity to the youth, especially the college age young adults. We were drawn to test any drug we were told was deadly. Everyday we viewed TV ads warning us about LSD, pot smoking, and barbie dolls, (barbiturates), and where using these deadly drugs would lead us. The more I watched these commercials, the more I wanted to be the test monkey…and I was. It took a really bad trip one morning before school before I came out of the ether, so to speak. I could have been worse had my brother not prayed for God to help his poor, ignorant, little brother.

To me, it was the idea that by experimenting with LSD, I would be placed in the select cool crowd at school. Of course that was a delusion. The idea came from watching too much TV, and believing how popular being cool made a person. Yet, the more I heard the message of being cool from TV shows, and ignored the warnings of TV ads, the choice became clear to me…drugs made you really cool. I was self-deceived, and a TV addict that believed every bit of the media’s offerings through shows, and rejected the commercial warnings from anti-drug advocates.

Looking back on my diluted past, I now see the power of the lies from those tender years, and see how the power of the “one-eyed monster”, we call TV, has on our lives today. We are inundated with political ads that we really hate, but are completely addicted to. Our knowledge of political candidates come from what the media shoves down our throats, and we seem to like its flavor. We have no intention of reading up on the candidates, that takes time from,watching our favorite shows. We are compelled to take Oprah’s word, Ellen’s advice, the View’s view, so we don’t have to stop being lazy, and research for reality. So we get more of what we ask for…a drug, a hallucination of reality. The democrat is for the poor, the republican is for the rich, we need more government intervention in our lives, we think. Like heroin, meth, and cocaine, we are addicted to ease and deception, the easy way is the best way, true or not.

“If you tell a lie long enough, and often enough, the people will believe it.” – Adolph Hitler/Vladimir Lenin
“A wise man is strong, yes, a man of knowledge increases strength.” Prov. 24:5

Sir Winston Churchill warned the Briton’s of the evil intent that Hitler planned prior to WWII coming to the world, long before bombs were dropped in Europe. The then prime minister of Great Brittain, Neville Chamberlain returned from meetings with Hitler, and with the evil Adolph’s promises of no aggression. “Peace in our time,” was the words of Chamberlain, with the signed agreement in hand, as he returned to England a hero for his efforts. Churchill continued to warn, and within less than a year, Hitler attacked Czechoslovakia, eventually Great Brittain. Warnings were ignored, and I believe the people were deceived by believing the words of two politicians. Hitler was telling his people all along his intent was noble, that Germania was the pure people, that they would become the only people of the world. The people didn’t see that for that to be so, war and ethnic cleansing would have to happen.

The two quotes above are both true statements. One is for the complacent, the other for the diligent. Like when I was a youth, full of mischief and a hunger for attention, and rejecting reality, we can become the same and not regard warnings. We can buy what the candidates are saying and believe they will deliver us an easier, softer way. Or we can do the wise thing and read up on their careers, and their historical past decisions. We cannot afford to believe the words of the political machine any longer. Their record must do the talking. We cannot accept ANYTHING from the media regarding politics, they have an agenda, and they are dishonest about being unbiased already, so believe it, they are dishonest about their agenda. Be diligent, read up. Don’t be lazy. To be lazy is no excuse when your future, and your children’s future at stake.

Thanks for reading. God bless and keep you all

The Heart of the King pt.2

After doing part one of this post, I sat down and seriously read what I had written. I’m convinced it probably never came close to the outcome I expected. So this will be more poignant and hopefully short.

In part one I made an attempt to look at how this countries elected leaders had led us to the point of godlessness because that is how they were educated. Removal of prayer from our schools because of the phrase “separation of church and state” has preeminence over any church based programs in government-owned centers. The current leadership has no concern that “we the people” are the owners of government property, and they are our servants, not lords. The majority wants this nation to be recognized as a “Christian nation,” but the government seated has decided they know better, and we have to play by their rules.

“The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, like the rivers of water, he turns it wherever He wishes.” Prov.21:1

“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” Prov.14:34

If we truly believe these passages, and we have determined in our hearts to please God, we will vote prayerfully. What I want to convey to anyone who reads this is that if we vote for men and women who promise us present help and disregard the future generations, we are making a mistake. If we know a candidate is standing for things that displease God, but we put them in office anyway, don’t we share with their sin? Not only that, we also should know by common sense, that these candidates making us promises have the goal of getting into office by whatever means, saying what it takes to get themselves elected. They can have all of the best intentions, and truly desire to make this country a better place but they know their speeches are designed to move people to select them, and that means many of them lie to get in.

When I read through part one, I felt uncomfortable with what I had written. I feel that I was trying to convince the reader what I believe, that to ignore history is to repeat historical mistakes. This is basic truth that you and I already know. You do not need my endless rambling to inform you that electing ungodly leaders make for an ungodly nation. So I will appeal to your conscious and ask you to pray for God to lead you in your voting. This is serious. This vote upcoming is vital to our future here in America. The candidates are poised to forever remove or restore the hopes for all by imposing their will on us. If we truly trust God will direct the king (president) then we must seat the leader who is not obstinate, and disregards Him.

Jehoshaphat was a king in Judah that trusted in God. One day he was informed that several nations were coming against his kingdom, he took action. He feared at first, then gathered the people together to Jerusalem. They fasted and called on God. God sent word to the king, that they would not have to lift a finger in battle against these enemies, He was going to take care of this. The day of battle came. Jehoshaphat did the only normal thing, completely rational…he placed worshippers on the front line, ahead of his army. As the revival service began for Judah, and they began to worship the Lord their God, mighty in battle, perfect in His Holiness, God took action and the enemy turned on each other, utterly destroying themselves. (Read 2 Chron.20)

My appeal to those who believe in God, that follow Jesus, is to do likewise. WE are at war. The opposition has the heavy artillery. They have the media, the school systems, higher education, but even greater, they have captured the minds of the people, especially the leaders. The truth is, our battle is not physical, but spiritual. We fight with weapons they cannot compete with, and these weapons are mighty. Hear me, if you believe, prayerfully vote, but before that, begin to worship the Lord. Worship Him, exalt his holiness, His power, His wisdom, mercy, love for all. He will go ahead of us, He will subdue our enemies entirely. Determine in your hearts that you want what God wants, that you want leadership that is good for all including future generations, and delight yourself in God…He will give us the leaders we desire.

My name is Keith, and I approve this message. God bless and keep you all!

Laws, Freedoms, and Change

I was very frustrated, actually enraged by a recent event, where an Ohio law placed me in a very difficult place. I made a statement on Facebook, which I truly believe is factual, and I emailed the governor’s website, looking for someone to hear my plea. And when I finished my rage…I remembered the Lord my God, and strengthened myself in Him. The advice I give to others, run to God when you get into trouble, don’t run from Him, was the last place I visited.

I took my own advice and looked to Him for help. I will not give you the details of what happened just yet. I can tell you that ever since I finished my upcoming book, there has been such spiritual opposition,such heavy evil opposition, that I could not have continued if God had not given me the grace to do so. I thank Him for bringing me to this point, for all He has done, and for what I see Him doing now.

I haven’t changed my thoughts regarding lost freedoms in this country. Nor do I feel that our voices should be silenced, and we become pacifists in relation to the evils of political actions that cause “we the people” to lose sight of what so many have given their lives for. No, we should, or I should, be more intent on seeing this country restored to our inherent belief, that in God we trust. I’m looking for restoration, not change. Those desiring change may not realize we are a divided people, they want all to change to their way of thinking, sorry, and please return to earth immediately, we need you here. I want to see us restored to having the ability to pursue life, liberty, and happiness…you know, like the Constitution says.

This recent event taught me that as a follower of Christ, I am to be in subjection to the law of the land. I am to be a man with integrity, loyalty, and honesty. I feel I hold to these doctrines of liberty, to a point. I do feel that laws that cause a believer to compromise truth, are to be questioned and challenged. In the book of Acts, the religious leaders had ordered the followers of Jesus, to stop preaching this gospel. Peter responded, We must obey God rather than men! Acts 5:29 (NIV) It is only of recent years that our government has stretched and twisted the law to where our tax dollars go to programs that are unjust, and unholy, and destructive to this nation. This was true in Peter’s time as well and they could not adhere to them all, like worshipping Caesar. Paul wrote these words:

Remind the people to be subject to the leaders and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, an to show  true humility toward all men. Titus 3:1 (NIV) 

This is how we are to present Christ to everybody, not shoot abortion drs, not to spew hatred at gays, not to condemn hookers, drug addicts/alcoholics, not to seek the demise of misled people-even politicians, but rather to give the grace shown to us through Christ, to them. God is the judge, He will reward us all by our works in this life. If you are a follower of Christ, take the time to read Paul, John, Peter, James, writings, on how we should conduct our lives. Then do it. Getting results to bring real change for me is in my surrendering my will to God’s will. If I am surrendered, I don’t need to fight, God does that for me. I can re-focus, re-center, and re-fuel on what He has promised as I conform to His will. The results He gets for me are far greater that my results from anger, complaining, and trying to convince others of my correct line of thought. In this recent experience, when I surrendered, strengthened myself in what He is able to do, peace followed. I placed Him in charge.


This morning, I surrendered again to Him, and went to face the giant. I went knowing He is Lord, He is with me, and I mentally blessed everyone I would meet before I met them. I have His favor. The results were completely wonderful, for everyone. I believe that their contact with me this morning changed their entire day for the good. Not because of who I am…because of whose I am. I am not saying that the lesson will never be repeated and I will have no more problems. I did learn to get results to manifest in my life, I have to go through the proper channels. First to God in the spiritual realm, and present the situation to Him, then as I do what’s necessary in the physical realm, He has prepared my way.


Thanks for reading everyone,God bless and keep you all. Keith