A Nation Divided

I get miffed watching politicians teamed with nightly news literally tearing our nation apart. The issues we think are causing the division are not at the root of what will end horribly bad. It has to be for every individual to take an honest look, a deeper look, at what drives this division. That means stop listening to who says what that you agree so much with, and listen to the other side without judgment. I know that is hard to do. And chances are extremely good you will feel the same as you do now.

I believe people today are easily led by their traditional trust in their party. One side insists they are the working man’s party, but you cannot prove it by looking at their history, certainly not the direction they are going. The other party can easily say they are for all people, but their methodology of proving their point is obscure to say the least. Lacking empathy in their tact-less speech in the past did that party harm winning converts to their cause. Today, both parties try to out smart-mouth the other. It really sounds like school kids fighting, “AM NOT! ARE TOO!” And the media stirs the pot of anger daily.

FYI, the media is losing the trust of the people, as many projected after the last election. They did, at first, following the Presidential election, admit they really needed to change their ways to re-gain trust. But they could not resist being able to report what their party, (yes there is bias), was attempting to do, or undo, the election results. The other side couldn’t stay out of the fight having to defend the winner. (My memory of the President’s party not standing behind him at first is vivid. That changed.

Finally, we had someone stood up to all of the politicians, that had given in to other governments, out of fear, or out losing payoffs under the table as many believe. Undoing the Iran non-deal, adding more sanctions for non-compliance to nations tyrannically led, holding money back from Palestinians for their violent outbursts against Israel, and last but not least, the Great Wall of Texico. The President has some blame, tweeting, fanning the flame. But his non presidential sounding speeches are fine by me. I’m tired of people trying to sound like they think people want them to sound, if that makes sense.

Keeping legitimate folks out is not the reason we are told. But it does, and the reasons don’t matter to those opposed to the wall. It should matter to the working man. All I have been hearing from the working man is “they are taking our jobs!” But they still vote for the party that is all for illegals entering the country and receiving benefits they cannot get without paying for. Strange. I am certainly not against immigration, but it has to follow the rule of law. If we are going to not have the rule of law, then it is time for the gun control advocates to hold their piece… literally.

I want Americans to stop fighting like Christian sects over small issues that don’t matter. I want Americans to stop listening to nightly news and daytime panels who are totally not qualified to campaign for any party, or be personal psychologists for families. I know, I can want for a lot of things but at the top of my “want” list is that we are united as a people and we learn to make our choices on who and what we believe by our own research and guided by values. We can stop telling our military thank you for your service if we are bent on letting politicians and media undo what so many fought and died for.

Get In, Get Out, or Take a Seat

So I sidelined myself for a bit. I had good reasons. After all I am a busy man and I don’t believe what I write has had much, if any effect on others. Am I whining? Yep, a regular cry baby. Seriously, I have felt this inward tug to get back at it on a regular basis in hope of winning some to the Kingdom of Christ, or helping some find sobriety, both through these simple writings.

It really comes down to this. I watched the movie Tombstone several times. I am a dialog guy and a guy that likes to see good win out over evil. Are you like that? The OK Corral scene, Wyatt Earp dodging bullets yells at the cowardly Ike Stanton and blares, “GET IN THE FIGHT OR GET OUT OF THE WAY! I remembered this scene and now see my own cowardice in not getting in this war we are fighting much sooner.  I hate to offend after all.  You may be unaware we are fighting, or there is even a war in the first place. Here’s the field of battle:

“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against the spiritual host of wickedness in the heavenly places….Eph. 6:12

It’s brutal out there as some of you know from what is going on with the mud pie fights the dems and reps are having, while issues go ignored, i.e. healthcare, the infrastructure, addicts found dead daily. Don’t choose to hate either side, but pray for them with sincerity. Or refuse to pray for them from your intense hatred of them. I’d bet you probably didn’t vote anyway, now you can hate me too…have a seat please.

Others say, you’re nuts! You honestly believe there are forces controlling events? It’s that lying President, or it’s those liberal lefties. Whatever, take a seat next to the intense haters, I ‘ll get with you later. And keep your hands to yourself.

Now those ready to do battle, gird your loins. Don’t hold on to any grudges of any kind. Pray for opposition you face in life. 1 Tim 2:1-2 gives you an idea of who we should pray for, and we already know to pray for our personal needs and the innumerable requests on social media. Speaking of media, man, do they need prayer. They have more to do with our national division that any political branch. Anyhow lets fight this spiritual warfare boldly, in confidence and knowing the time is short. Thanks!

Ms. Tubman’s Prophecy

February gives us pause to reflect on our historical past  failures as a nation. Yes, America the beautiful has a tainted past that we should never forget. The dark present, however, is what my focus is on, and how it is affecting our future. Harriet Tubman was a woman of great courage that helped many slaves find their way to freedom in the nineteenth century. The following words she spoke of and what could have been, as she reflected on the ones she lead to freedom, and the slaves she wanted to help but could not help.
“I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if they only knew they were slaves.”
Interesting. She knew something about the slaves having no understanding of their plight, how they were generations into slavery, unaware they were anything different than what the “owners” told them they were. Brain-washed and uneducated to believe they were nothing more than property of the superior white folk. The travesty, and the indignity suffered by these poor innocent people, was not overlooked in the eyes of Justice. The price to be paid by the high and mighty white superiors, who were mostly apathetic in the north, and ignorant in the south, came in the 1860’s Civil War, where over 600,000 Americans lost their lives. There is always a recompense for evil. Write that down and review it daily. Don’t think for one second that you can commit any act, good or bad, that will not return to you with payment.
Why I think her words are prophetic is that today, millions of our young are enslaved to alcohol, drugs, porn, and to everything we have once considered to be immoral. Our country is full of me-gotists, doing their own thing, because it feels right to them; and they have no idea that they are slaves of darkness, headed for their reward unwittingly, thinking there is nobody to answer to. This is not exclusively the young people, all age groups have fallen prey to self-indulgent living. Our leaders, those who are devising curriculum in public education on every level have no moral compass it seems. They have omitted any reference to values and principles, replacing those with subjective/objective truth; if it is right for you, it is right. Really? In California, they ask seven year old children, what do you think you are, male or female? (gender orientation) Victims of crime are ignored throughout the country, a Presidential sexual act performed in the place many prayerful decisions were made in the past, is lauded in the work-place, “I don’t blame him,” was heard by workers. Those seeking justice, and a return to morality are looked at with disdain. May God have mercy on us. We call good evil, and evil good.
This month is National Recovery Month as well as Black History Month. I can only propose that we honor the past by changing the direction of our future. In Ms. Tubman’s words, we don’t know we are slaves. We must pray and repent as a people, that is, for those in this country who follow Christ. I cannot speak for other religions, I only know that in Christianity, some still believe in this passage:
“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2Chron.7:14
No direction of man’s good intention, no legislation, no attempted explanation of the “educated,” will improve the method of turning a people away from eminent judgment. The historians would argue my point, and stand by the succession of the southern states had little to do with slavery, but the blood of those who died has an uncanny historical echo of the price paid for unjust action by a nation too arrogant and greedy to repent. Today, in this month of reflection, take note that we need to see Christ abolished slavery of every sort 2000 years ago. One day, if we observe and do what the passage above says, February may be called, “Freedom Month.”
Thanks for reading, God bless and keep you all.

Wishes, Wants, and Choice

I regret not continuing blogging about advent, but after the recent tragic event I felt it important to add my personal thoughts on the matter, for what they are worth. We must continuing in prayer for these victimized families, and for all of the people involved, that they may be able to heal in every way.

I Wish

I wish we lived in a time like the one my parents grew up in. People were polite, children were mannerly. Families, for the most part, stayed together. If you were in need of a job, you went to the company and applied for a position, not the internet. You could call to check on your application and talk to a person without listening to the entire menu because options have changed…I think they must change daily. Times were different then, no cell phones, wiis, Gameboys, no wide-screen, microwaves, and all of the modern items that make life so convenient we actually forget how to live. They experienced nature much more than we do today, every time they had to go…you had to visit the little building outdoors. Well, that may not be a good old days feature I wish to return to.

I Want
I want to see my children to have opportunities that I have had in life. They may, or at least have been able to up to this point. A job, a home, cars, and all of the things I have enjoyed in life may get out of reach in their lifetime, certainly their children will not experience those things without a complete change in political thought and fiscal responsibility. The outlook is extremely dark for generations ahead, depending from where you are looking. I have heard that if you do not like what you see from where you stand…move.

This past week has been very trying for us as a nation. The tragedy in which 28 people, including 20 little children were murdered, has left us stunned once again. Our people are looking for answers and the government is trying to respond for they feel they must do something so we, the people, know they are in charge and really care. the debate on removing fire arms, and amending the 2nd amendment to the constitution is what they feel will do the trick. And the people, on the left agree. On the right however, anger is setting in again. The government takes, they are saying. They took away prayer from our schools and began this ripple effect of societal woes springing from our schools as God takes vengeance on us for removing Him, and the 10 Commandments, and anything related to the biblical God from our schools.

I do agree somewhat with how the people think. But the reality is this, He was dismissed from education long before prayer was removed from public schools. He was given His walking papers when we added the view of biological evolution to the textbooks. It was impossible to think that in 6 days everything made was created by a Deity by speaking it to be that way, so we traded one impossible for an even more impossible way to believe we exist. God, You can go, we can handle this. What disturbs me more is not that secularist and humanistic thought has invaded every aspect of society, but what has me really perturbed is that Christians do not see their part in this mess. Prayer was removed from the home long before it was removed from our schools. If petition to God does not return home first, forget it ever from returning to public anything. If your children know how to pray, they can pray in the school and the law cannot legally stop that.

We, the body of Christ, have been asleep at the wheel with every step toward the eventual downhill slide we remain on. We elect men and women who do everything to remove God, offending Him, and do it quietly as possible. Christians do a better job than they do to offend Him. Nowadays, 74% of Christians do NOT take the Bible literally, and do NOT believe it is the inspired Word from God. Many Christians believe that 6 days to create everything IS impossible, even for God, until they are in desperate need for His help…then we tell Him, God all things are possible with you! The reason for their doubt is that the mind hears much more about man’s evolving than man’s creation. Even atheistic scientist have been jumping off of the evolution bandwagon with so much being discovered about the human cell.

Our Choice

We must be concerned that God has taken a back-seat to government. The many tragedies we have already experienced with school shootings, postal rages, and all of the insane behavior to get attention, will continue, likely worsen. Laws are passed by lawmakers that submit bills that are for their personal promotion through mainstream media, or their foundational beliefs, or because lobbyist play to their personal greed, not laws that improve us and guard our core values. If the church, (the entire body, protestant and catholic, and anyone who claims Christ as the head and Lord), does not repent and unify, teaching prayer in the home, and foundational truths to their children, rejecting secular science and fully accepting the Word as Truth, we can only look to see more of what we are getting, and history proves it.

Thanks for reading, God bless and keep you all!

Tomorrow, the Ads End

The one consolation that most Americans enjoy is that we get to go back to normal commercials for a while. The non-stop mudslinging will come to a close tomorrow evening around 8pm Tuesday…thank goodness. The decision will be made for the next four years of the president to continue changing the face of everything, or we will have a new president bringing new programs and ideas.
Yep, tomorrow things will be different. Everyone will live in peace and safety with their neighbors, we will be on our way to the fulfillment of the candidate promises. Jobs for all, healthcare for the world. Illegal aliens will be legal, no more predjudice, no racism, food on every table, two cars in the garage of every new home for every American. Everyone will be judged strictly by the law of the land, whether rich or poor, we will all be the same. I have really looked forward to this, my wages are gonna soar! We will be the envy of all of the nations again, their people will be able to sneak in and get free healthcare too! O joy of joys, day of all days!
I figure it like this: first, the senate and house of reps can meet and immediately start passing legislation for all of our new promised benefits. Then they can pass the hate-speech bill, and enact the human decency law that makes everyone like each other by rule of law. Then they can pass the law to make the rich people do a little more paying taxes. No body should be so rich from starting a business and giving their heart and soul to its success, that money should go to the people, right? Then they can pass themselves a law to have their own health insurance programs, and a nice fat raise since they worked so hard before their 8 week vacation in the Carribean courtesy of the lobbyist. After the vacation, they can fix all of our other woes. The good thing is that all of this “explain yourself” will be in the past. They will not have to deal with why our high dollar educational system has allowed our kids to drop to 26th in the world in overall education. The scandals swept under the rug in Libya and in the middle-east countries, will be behind them. Ah! What a great country! But the best news is…no more political ads!
Please take this in the spirit it is given. Concern? Fear? Scornful? We have become so passive ans accepting as a people, that we have totally forgotten the past, and go along with things many Americans gave their lives to preserve. Some think we have to change everything and be accepted by the world community. Not so, we have had some wonderful traditions, now lost to the ages because some didn’t think them important. I read in Charisma mag the other day that Planned Parenthood “celebrated” their 6 millionth aborted child recently. Just think, 6 million souls that didn’t get the chance to live, that have no posterity in the earth. That is something to celebrate. Thanks for reading, God bless and keep you all.

Political Delusion…an old addiction

I cannot ever forget how in my teen years, drugs became an issue that brought terror to the hearts of parents and curiosity to the youth, especially the college age young adults. We were drawn to test any drug we were told was deadly. Everyday we viewed TV ads warning us about LSD, pot smoking, and barbie dolls, (barbiturates), and where using these deadly drugs would lead us. The more I watched these commercials, the more I wanted to be the test monkey…and I was. It took a really bad trip one morning before school before I came out of the ether, so to speak. I could have been worse had my brother not prayed for God to help his poor, ignorant, little brother.

To me, it was the idea that by experimenting with LSD, I would be placed in the select cool crowd at school. Of course that was a delusion. The idea came from watching too much TV, and believing how popular being cool made a person. Yet, the more I heard the message of being cool from TV shows, and ignored the warnings of TV ads, the choice became clear to me…drugs made you really cool. I was self-deceived, and a TV addict that believed every bit of the media’s offerings through shows, and rejected the commercial warnings from anti-drug advocates.

Looking back on my diluted past, I now see the power of the lies from those tender years, and see how the power of the “one-eyed monster”, we call TV, has on our lives today. We are inundated with political ads that we really hate, but are completely addicted to. Our knowledge of political candidates come from what the media shoves down our throats, and we seem to like its flavor. We have no intention of reading up on the candidates, that takes time from,watching our favorite shows. We are compelled to take Oprah’s word, Ellen’s advice, the View’s view, so we don’t have to stop being lazy, and research for reality. So we get more of what we ask for…a drug, a hallucination of reality. The democrat is for the poor, the republican is for the rich, we need more government intervention in our lives, we think. Like heroin, meth, and cocaine, we are addicted to ease and deception, the easy way is the best way, true or not.

“If you tell a lie long enough, and often enough, the people will believe it.” – Adolph Hitler/Vladimir Lenin
“A wise man is strong, yes, a man of knowledge increases strength.” Prov. 24:5

Sir Winston Churchill warned the Briton’s of the evil intent that Hitler planned prior to WWII coming to the world, long before bombs were dropped in Europe. The then prime minister of Great Brittain, Neville Chamberlain returned from meetings with Hitler, and with the evil Adolph’s promises of no aggression. “Peace in our time,” was the words of Chamberlain, with the signed agreement in hand, as he returned to England a hero for his efforts. Churchill continued to warn, and within less than a year, Hitler attacked Czechoslovakia, eventually Great Brittain. Warnings were ignored, and I believe the people were deceived by believing the words of two politicians. Hitler was telling his people all along his intent was noble, that Germania was the pure people, that they would become the only people of the world. The people didn’t see that for that to be so, war and ethnic cleansing would have to happen.

The two quotes above are both true statements. One is for the complacent, the other for the diligent. Like when I was a youth, full of mischief and a hunger for attention, and rejecting reality, we can become the same and not regard warnings. We can buy what the candidates are saying and believe they will deliver us an easier, softer way. Or we can do the wise thing and read up on their careers, and their historical past decisions. We cannot afford to believe the words of the political machine any longer. Their record must do the talking. We cannot accept ANYTHING from the media regarding politics, they have an agenda, and they are dishonest about being unbiased already, so believe it, they are dishonest about their agenda. Be diligent, read up. Don’t be lazy. To be lazy is no excuse when your future, and your children’s future at stake.

Thanks for reading. God bless and keep you all

The Heart of the King pt.2

After doing part one of this post, I sat down and seriously read what I had written. I’m convinced it probably never came close to the outcome I expected. So this will be more poignant and hopefully short.

In part one I made an attempt to look at how this countries elected leaders had led us to the point of godlessness because that is how they were educated. Removal of prayer from our schools because of the phrase “separation of church and state” has preeminence over any church based programs in government-owned centers. The current leadership has no concern that “we the people” are the owners of government property, and they are our servants, not lords. The majority wants this nation to be recognized as a “Christian nation,” but the government seated has decided they know better, and we have to play by their rules.

“The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, like the rivers of water, he turns it wherever He wishes.” Prov.21:1

“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” Prov.14:34

If we truly believe these passages, and we have determined in our hearts to please God, we will vote prayerfully. What I want to convey to anyone who reads this is that if we vote for men and women who promise us present help and disregard the future generations, we are making a mistake. If we know a candidate is standing for things that displease God, but we put them in office anyway, don’t we share with their sin? Not only that, we also should know by common sense, that these candidates making us promises have the goal of getting into office by whatever means, saying what it takes to get themselves elected. They can have all of the best intentions, and truly desire to make this country a better place but they know their speeches are designed to move people to select them, and that means many of them lie to get in.

When I read through part one, I felt uncomfortable with what I had written. I feel that I was trying to convince the reader what I believe, that to ignore history is to repeat historical mistakes. This is basic truth that you and I already know. You do not need my endless rambling to inform you that electing ungodly leaders make for an ungodly nation. So I will appeal to your conscious and ask you to pray for God to lead you in your voting. This is serious. This vote upcoming is vital to our future here in America. The candidates are poised to forever remove or restore the hopes for all by imposing their will on us. If we truly trust God will direct the king (president) then we must seat the leader who is not obstinate, and disregards Him.

Jehoshaphat was a king in Judah that trusted in God. One day he was informed that several nations were coming against his kingdom, he took action. He feared at first, then gathered the people together to Jerusalem. They fasted and called on God. God sent word to the king, that they would not have to lift a finger in battle against these enemies, He was going to take care of this. The day of battle came. Jehoshaphat did the only normal thing, completely rational…he placed worshippers on the front line, ahead of his army. As the revival service began for Judah, and they began to worship the Lord their God, mighty in battle, perfect in His Holiness, God took action and the enemy turned on each other, utterly destroying themselves. (Read 2 Chron.20)

My appeal to those who believe in God, that follow Jesus, is to do likewise. WE are at war. The opposition has the heavy artillery. They have the media, the school systems, higher education, but even greater, they have captured the minds of the people, especially the leaders. The truth is, our battle is not physical, but spiritual. We fight with weapons they cannot compete with, and these weapons are mighty. Hear me, if you believe, prayerfully vote, but before that, begin to worship the Lord. Worship Him, exalt his holiness, His power, His wisdom, mercy, love for all. He will go ahead of us, He will subdue our enemies entirely. Determine in your hearts that you want what God wants, that you want leadership that is good for all including future generations, and delight yourself in God…He will give us the leaders we desire.

My name is Keith, and I approve this message. God bless and keep you all!

The Heart of the King, Pt.1

How could I keep this post short enough to read? I realize that the majority of people are not convinced the Bible is accurate. I know that I could not throw every proof discovered over the past fifty years, so I won’t. Here is a biblical view of selecting leaders in a way that pleases God, or displeases Him.

If you read the books of 1 and 2 Kings and 1 and 2 Chronicles, in the Old Testament, you may find it most interesting how each of Israel’s divided kingdom’s leaders reacted to their being placed to rule over the people. You see a name, then you get the length and sum of his reign. It says something similar to this: “And Joash reigned over Judah 40 years, and did that which was right in the sight of the Lord,” or, ” Abijah ruled in Israel, and did not walk in the ways of the Lord and did wickedly”… These books showed how this powerful little nation rose to power under a godly king, in David the shepherd giant killer, that loved God with everything, and how Israel prospered under his reign, to kings that took Israel’s prominence to the dirt, ignoring God completely, and served foreign gods, eventually tearing the people out of the land. They were then taken away to bondage in Babylon, as they were before in Egypt. The land was their’s forever, but God said that He would remove them from this promised piece of ground if they were disobedient and disregarded Him.

I am sure there were people then, as there is today, that say things like, why is God so unjust? What have we done to offend Him, that we have lost our freedoms, and our prosperity? I don’t want to serve a God like that, in fact, I don’t even believe in Him!”  Does that sound familiar? It should because this is the state of mind we are in today. We have listened to those who have no belief in God, and follow the god called science, that only believe in things that have physical proof, but they are, at least many are, fully in agreement with science without evidence, and follow Darwinian evolution as an explanation for man’s existence. They wholly follow anything that disregards God, and put these unproven “facts” in our textbooks, teaching our children false teachings of man. We have a society that elects leaders that follow their beliefs, or walk in the ways of the scientist, and do “wickedly” in God’s sight. How do they do wicked things?

It isn’t just the science, but every branch of education, every governmental program or department, all scream out the Constitutional “separation of church and state,” which does not appear in our Constitution, but they have successfully written this law in the minds of the citizen’s, and have had any reminders of God removed from government and public places. They have set up new idols of man’s achievement, eliminating the memory of our humble beginnings, and how the originators honored the Almighty as head of this land. The fall began when the doctrines of man took first place over the truth of the Bible, the prayers invoking God’s blessing and provision was removed from public ed, and instead of having hundreds and thousands of school children asking blessings, we have near anarchy in many inner city schools, that are located in war and drug zones. Little children are  having to walk through metal detectors, to be taught to believe in man, and not God any longer. (What did you say, I didn’t hear that. Did you say we have gone from the top ten in education worldwide to twenty-sixth?)

All of this does eventually come together. Israel’s repetitive obstinence, continued to place leaders as kings, that did, as we do, by ignoring God and His ways, and they eventually were no more. Those leaders put the prophets of God to death, elected false prophets that spoke in their favor, and the kings crushed any resistance to the new, false prophets doctrines, erasing every thought of the law, and the history of those who had done the same. As the king goes, so goes the nation. Every kingdom that has ruled, and placed man as the center, has fallen, or is falling.

The difference a leader makes in biblical history is staggering. When the good king, that directed the people into God’s ways ruled, the nation prospered and the people taught their young from birth to follow God. Of course, this is just a fairy tale to the ones who say the Bible is not reliable truth. The evidence of these truths are on the pages of history, yet we have become like those evil kings and listen to the words of false prophets and leaders, and look where we are today. Before kingdoms have fallen in history, two things happen. The first is moral decline, second is economical collapse. Are we there? More importantly, can we stop the fall?

There is more to say, so I will try to finish this tomorrow. There are many scriptures that I feel are pertinent to this post, but I want to keep this as short as possible, to keep your attention and not bore you to sleep. The election is nearing, but so is Christ’s return. All over this world people are hungering for peace and prosperity as in the former times, at least in the free nations. People under oppressed governments, and communistic rule, want to see freedom’s origin. I understand that we have an enemy determined to wipe out these hopes. Come back for part two tomorrow, and I will attempt to wrap this up, and give the people who read my posts in those places some hope from a biblical perspective, and we who think we are free as well.

Thanks for reading, God bless and keep you all.

Pollitics, Conversation, and Electives

Don’t you just love conversations about politics? I like the discussions where each participant shares their solutions on how to fix every crises we face by electing the right candidates. I also get to show my lack of understanding on certain topics, or ignorance from not following the race. The worldviews we carry are often comprised from what others have said, or from people we admire. I get irritated when I hear someone in the conversation say they are not going to vote because they do not know who they should vote for. There is also people who like the heat of argument that do not ever vote. If you don’t vote, don’t complain, nor run down politicians. You are no better than they.

Before finding recovery from alcoholism and drug use, I would tend bar when I had free time. There is a rule in most bars that you do not allow discussions on politics and religion. These two topics are fight inducing for drunkards. Of course, the rule was always broken, giving the nature of excessive drinkers abilities to gradually become brilliant the more we drank. Those little disagreements seem to always get out of hand. It is no different in the workplace, or coffee shop, or even in the church vestibule. People get fired up over these topics, and I’m convinced it is from arrogance that we often take a position. Being right is all that matters, winning the argument shows we are right…doesn’t it?

What about prayer when deciding who you will vote for? Voting may be personal, the smarter people, in my estimation, never say who they vote for. But even the silent should prayerfully consider the candidate they choose. The candidate may be a good politician, say all of the right things, back all of the right programs, but is the candidate right for the job? God knows. God knows what this country will face in the next four years, the running hopeful does not have a clue. We have no idea ourselves, so seeking divine direction should be priority for the follower of Christ.

I can speak from experience, and from historical events, that the president-elect inherits the legacy of the former president, both good and bad. Jimmy Carter was and is a good man, a good governor in Georgia, but was not a good president. Carter inherited some bad times from Gerald Ford, who inherited bad times from Richard Nixon. There was many obstacles Ford faced, and was the brunt on many jokes and one-liners on sitcoms. That aside, he wasn’t a good president. Ronald Reagan entered the picture and in my lifetime was the most loved…and hated president I can recall. The union workers despised him, the businesses, the evangelicals, loved him, and the foreign nations either admired him, or feared him. He was a no-nonsense leader when it came to America’s foes. The Ayatollah of Iran, graciously set free the hostages during the inauguration of Reagan. He knew that Reagan would be all over him…the moment he sat at the oval office desk. The little fellow running that country today would be silent if Reagan was in today, in fact, he would probably be sending Israel gifts, like olive branches, if Reagan was president today.

Bush I, Clinton, and Bush II, are all of recent memory, so you should know most of the details, I will not bore you with the memories, though there is volumes in these leaders that many do not know about. Barack Obama, our current president, needs to be looked at, talked about, discussed, dissected, and considered once again. I have been flooded over the past four years with emails about his illegitimate birth certificate, his intention to make America Muslim in faith, and his wife’s extravagance in assistants and vacations. Enough. Everyone that sent me these emails, I have a question for you: How many times in the past four years did you pray for Obama? …or pray about him?

I have to admit my prayers for the man have been fewer than they should have been, to my dismay. I do not agree with ninety percent of what Obama stands for. I did not vote for him in the previous election, mainly because of our differences in values and morals. I do question why he thinks the way he does in spite of historical proof that socialism is a complete failure that ruins nations, and gives angry, evil people leadership without conscience, science without responsibility, and wealth without work. When awards go to those who have not worked to earn position and rank, anarchy will follow. Ask the Soviet Union, the East Germans, the Czechs, etc.

Furthermore, he had no record that could make anyone think he would make a great leader. His now historical apathy as a senator showed he stood for nothing. Or that may have been the design, never show your hand, right? He does give a nice speech. So did Adolph Hitler…not to compare. It is just that we like the flash, we love the sizzle, and bite into charisma instead of character. I can say that I actually have a hard time finding that ten percent I agree with him on. Yet, he is the president.

Romney, is an enigma. No one thinks he has a shot at winning this election, at least in Southern Ohio. The north of our state is, and always has been for democrat candidates. I do not like the way the media bias has done everything possible to skirt the issues and focus on the evangelicals insistence on Mormonism is a cult, and their refusal to accept Romney as a viable opponent. I think he is a good man, and I understand the far rights desire to have a Christian like Paul the apostle leading the nation, but so far in our history, that has not happened. Romney is wealthy, so are the Obamas. The choice should not be based on his beliefs, at least you know what he truly is. Neither should race be an issue, but for some it is. The issue for all of us should be, which of these, as well as those others running for office, will be best for this country, and lead us toward a UNITED States again. Then the bar rooms, and the lunchrooms will fight about other things again.

There are a few weeks to go before the big day. Try to read up on these candidates, as well as all who are running for the various offices, and your local issues. Be prayerful, ask God to direct your decision. Pray for the president, prayer changes things, and people too. My thinking is obvious, I am convinced someone hs to step-up to the plate that knows that we have two choices, to either restore the unity and  re-emphasize the reality of moral values importance in history, or continue to disregard those proven truths and go the way of the fallen empires, giving ourselves to humanistic belief that we, not God,  is the center of all things.

God bless and keep you all.

The Vote Ahead

It is that very special time of year! No, not Christmas, it is voting season. In less than two months, we will re-elect Mr Obama, or bring in Mr Romney for the next four years. Four years seems like an eternity when you are young, but as you get older four years seems like four months. That may be a good thing if your pick loses, but for all of us, it is bad. The reason is, is we get to hear the constant harang of political commercials and rhetoric that does not cease to amaze me. How do we as Americans  not threatened the makers of these ads with prison time…or capital punishment is beyond me. Of course, capital punishment to advertisers is making them watch their own commercials 24/7 365, for however long their sentence may be.
Here is a question for you. Did those you cast your ballot for, fulfill your expectations? Did they do as they said they would? If not, think about that Senator, Representative, Mayor, President, etc., that you placed your faith in, he is going to tell you that he needs 2 more years, or four more, to finish the job he/she started. I don’t buy a minute of their moment of wasted air-time that they spend a fortune on. We have, in the part few decades, watched as our nation breaks right down the middle. We are divided.
” …Jesus knew their thoughts, and said to them; ‘Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, every city or house divided against itself will not stand.” Mt.12:25
I realize that many people do not take the religious view of life as their worldview, and have more of an eclectic way of seeing things. so Christ’s words here are meaningless. The quote here is the understanding people had in those days, and we are more educated and have progressed since the time of Christ, His words don’t apply to our time. Except for the fact that before His time, these words applied, during His time they applied, and up to about a minute ago, they still do.
The worldviews of the American people are as far apart as they could be, or ever will be. When G.W. Bush was president, no self-respecting liberal could even think of agreeing with him. During B. Obama’s reign, the conservatives have buried their heads in the sand…not to ignore him, but in fear of national judgment they expect God to pour out on us.
My thoughts are that having two sides is dangerous, and on every level of our government we are two- dimensional. I know we have ultra conservative and people who belong to conspiracy believing groups. And I am aware that the far left have similar groups that have the conspiracy beliefs. I also believe their are times when “we the people” are conspired against by our leaders, for various reasons. But  the point is not just the two dimensional way media outlets portrays this government, but that the real problem to me is how the people themselves vote along the same lines traditionally, and fall headlong for anything one of their parties candidates say. “Our family has always been Republican,” is the line of thinking so many have in our day. I think that is absurd.
You hear that the dems are for the working man, right? Tell me how that is. The working man pays taxes. Tax money goes for things that a normal person disagrees with. The money it takes to run this massive government is insane! We have a budget that, is volumns thick, and nobody understands. And I guess the dems had nothing to do with it.  That is the way some, actually many think. The rich are evil. The poor are lazy. The middle-class is the heart of this land. What middle class? These are the thoughts of the voters flamed by the media through films, newscasts, variety talk shows, and even sitcoms. The reps and dems know they have to play up to the expectations, and say what the people want to hear to get elected, then do what they want to do. EPA, FCC, FDA, and many other programs, though well-intentioned, mainly waste our money, and both parties point the finger at the other as to who originated them.
Now it is going to be easy to vote with my help, isn’t it. I would not tell anyone how to vote, but to think about your motivation for voting as you do. It isn’t easy to see the other side’s view regarding any matter. I will never agree with legislation in matters of morals and values. I will never, with God’s help, judge either side for how they vote. All of the politics aside, we all should remove the media’s input from our decision making. I do not mean one should not read a paper, or watch a newscast. I do feel that an article in a paper that gets my attention should be seconded by the political hopeful’s history as a person, and a politician. Though I hope never to be judgmental or dislike someone for who they vote for, I think when any nation places moral values second in importance for the people of their land, like all other kingdoms, they fail, miserably.
This is a rant,to some, and a word of advice to others, and I think before this election, I would like to take more of your time with this topic.
And the next time I am going meddle. Thanks for reading, God bless and keep you all.